online course

YOUR natural birth

by An Bleu

A four weeks holistic natural birth preparation course 


Unique and personal online course to help you achieve the best possible birth for you

  • Do you want a positive birth experience and the best start of parenthood?
  • Do you want to feel truly prepared for natural birth?
  • Do you want to feel supported?
  •  And find that inner power we all have to birth our babies.
  • This unique and very personal course will help you achieve the best possible birth for you.

Prepare yourself for a positive birth experience

Learn how to give yourself and your baby the best chances for a natural birth experience.

“Next time I will be ready”,  say 85%  of women after their birth  blaming themselves for not being well informed. 

Study shows that 35,4% of women felt mistreatment during birth. 

These are the main reasons why I want to help women!
You deserve better and you can have better. As a birth coach I worked for many years supporting women during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. 

I discovered why some women achieve natural birth.  

And I really wish more people would know this, so they can have the best birth possible.  

In my 4 week course ‘YOUR natural birth’, you will learn how to give yourself and your baby the best chances for a natural birth, so your baby can have a calm and loving start of life.   

Would you like to know how?

What I have noticed, is that most people only focus on one or two elements preparing for birth.

For example:

I have seen a yoga teacher who was physically in top shape and she prepared herself very well on a rational level; she had read all the books. But she wasn’t prepared emotionally, and because of this, eventually she had a very long and complicated birth.  

I also know a very balanced and intellectual teacher. She prepared herself very well on a rational and emotional level, but didn’t prepare herself physically. During her birth she was very calm but she got tired quickly, and the birth processed slowly because her muscles where very tight.

For birth you need to prepare on all levels, rationally, physically AND also emotionally; as our body and mind connection is so strong. 

This course offers you this complete approach on all levels, with very personal touch. You’ll have direct contact with me throughout the course and in our 1-on-1 videocall, we go through your personal unique situation.

You deserve better, your baby deserves better

Investing in yourself and the birth of your children is something that will have benefits for not just during birth and in early motherhood, but for the rest of your life. 

Birth leaves an imprint on mother and baby for the rest of their lives. 

It’s such an important moment in your lives, this course is here to support you, to prepare and find that inner wisdom and strength we all have to birth our children.” 

We spend so much on our weddings days, on our studies, on our houses, 

BUT when it comes to giving birth to our babies we are left without real helpful information, without love and caring support. We are just supposed to trust our care providers and hope for the best.

You deserve better, your baby deserves better.  

Buy ‘YOUR natural birth’ course now 

Despite the geographical distance, An was with me in my mind during birth. An gave me her knowledge and support the weeks prior to my delivery I felt extremely supported.

It gave me again the confidence I needed. She gave me all the advice I needed, but also the confidence and the faith, the strength and patience that was necessary.

There are no words to express the gratitude I feel towards her.


second time mother

What other mothers say

An is very experienced and extremely knowledgeable. I felt and was ready for my natural water birth thanks to An!”

Marieke, first time mother

“From the beginning you built a trust that enabled me to accept the natural process of birth.”

Kimberley, first time mother

Would you like to look forward to giving birth? To feel prepared, calm and ready for parenthood?

Feel physically strong, emotionally balanced and mentally prepared?

Join me on ‘YOUR natural birth’ 4 weeks journey.


  • Want a natural birth, or a respectful humane birth. 
  • Want to prepare for natural birth, but don’t know where to start?  
  • You had a traumatic or negative birth experience and want to have a better one this time. 
  • Want to have your baby at home, in a birth center or hospital.
  • Believe you can birth naturally, but want to give yourself the best chances. 
  • Prepare for birth together with your partner.
  • If you are just pregnant or about to give birth. 
  • Aren’t pregnant yet but want to know more about pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

We are so grateful for An and all her of support with our first born. She really helped us to be confident and comfortable in the decisions we were making. Warm and experienced, highly recommend her service. 


first time mother

What do i offer

A 4 weeks holistic natural birth preparation course


2 personal and motivational videocalls with me: one at the beginning and one at the end of the course.
We’ll discuss your unique situation and I’ll provide you with my experience and expertise.


  • Why choose physiological birth 
  • How does natural birth happen 
  • Choosing your birthplace and team 
  • Being prepared for changes, birth mapping/plan 
  • Practical tools for labor 
  • Birth partner support/role 
  • Postpartum preparation and healing
  • I believe, confidence exercise 
  • Safe place visualization 
  • Listen to your intuition visualization 
  • Understanding fears and letting go 
  • Visualization for smooth birth 
  • Connecting with baby and trusting mother instinct
  • Relax and mobility 
  • Breathing for birth 
  • Stretches and self massage 
  • Breathing through contractions 
  • Positions for birth 
  • Postpartum exercise


✓ Extra video: coping with the intensity of labour

✓ Printable birth partner support guide

✓ Become part of our ‘Pregnancy Circle’ WhatsApp group community, where you can ask questions to the group and to me personally!

✓ Discounts on my other courses, extra 1-on-1 coaching, birth debrief sessions, …

✓ Discounts on some beautiful products and must haves for you and your baby.


When is the best time to follow the course

Ideally you start between week 22 and 31w pregnant. But you can start at anytime in your pregnancy. If you start after week 33, let me know and I can make sure you receive the complete course in one go. 

Do I have to do the course in 4 weeks

Ideally you follow the course over the period of 4 weeks, like this you have enough time to integrate the material learned. Each week a new module will be unlocked for you. You can choose yourself what day of the week you take time to listen to the video’s and do the exercises.  

If you are closer to your due date, I can unlock all the material for you at once.

I don’t know yet where I will birth my baby, is this course for me?

Yes absolutely, one of the most important decisions is where you would like to birth your baby, this course can help you in making a conscious decision. 

I want to have a home birth/hospital birth/ birth center birth, is this course for me?


This is my 1ste, 2nd, 3rd, 4rd baby, is this course for me?


Do you still have questions?

Book a free 20min call with me: contact me on WhatsApp

xoxo An Bleu

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