The birth partner


by An Bleu

A class for you and your partner to prepare for birth and parenthood together!

Watch this masterclass together with your partner, he (she) will get tools and understanding to be by your side at birth and during postpartum

  • Learn about the role of the birth partner
  • How he (she) can be there for you at birth and in early postpartum
  • Practise labor positions together
  • Learn effective massage techniques
  • Get a practical:
    *birth partner checklist
    *hospital bag/homebirth list

Prepare yourself for a positive birth experience

I would really love to tell you about the importance of having a calm, attentive birth partner with you.

If you are planning to have your partner with you at birth, it’s important that they are prepared as well. So, they don’t give you unnecessary extra stress.

I have heard so many times that women said:

“I felt alone during birth.”

My partner didn’t know what to do during birth.”

My partner wasn’t attentive during birth.” 

“I needed his support much more during postpartum.” 


Therefore, I created this masterclass, so your partner will have a better understanding of his role and will get tools to use during birth.

In the video below I explain you why it’s so important to prepare as a team

(or scroll down and read all about it)

Would you like to know how?

When you are in labor you will be highly sensitive.

This is natural and important for the safety of your birth.

But because you are so sensitive you will notice if your partner is the slightest nervous, is worrying or just not attentive enough.

This can make your birth experience a less positive one, but also it can even sabotage your birth.

  • I have seen couples growing apart after birth, because the mother felt her partner wasn’t protecting her enough.
  • I have seen women getting an epidural, so they could be there for their partner?!
  • I have seen women with very long births, feeling alone, because their partner wasn’t emotionally available.

That’s why it’s so important your partner is prepared as well.

I created this masterclass especially for them, so you can watch this together and feel more secure going into birth together.

We will go over what their role is at birth and how they can support you, also, you will learn about labor positions to do together, and you will get a practical birth partner checklist + a hospital bag/homebirth list

So that, the person closest to you at birth can be a true support!

What other couples say

“We gained so much information, positivity and encouragement from An. We came away more confident and calmer.

Diego, first time father

“For me as the partner it was very insightful to connect to the birth and receive wonderful information. I now feel more prepared, and excited.

Stu, first time father

Would you and your partner like to feel more prepared for birth and parenthood?

Wishing you an amazing birth experience!

xoxo An Bleu

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